Recommend a friend

Recommend a friend with Pulse Nursing at Home

Pulse Nursing at Home is always seeking skilled nurses and support workers to join its team. We believe that great people know other great people, so we offer our nurses and support workers the opportunity to tap into their network and earn some extra money.

Introduce a nurse or support worker you know into a rewarding new role today and we’ll thank you with a cash bonus of £200 for support workers and £500 for nurses. Plus, we don’t limit the number of referrals you can make, meaning unlimited earnings for you.

Simply fill out the form below and we will contact your friend to process their application. Once they have worked their minimum hours you’ll be eligible to claim your cash bonus*.

* Referring a nurse - T&Cs

 Referring a Support Worker - T&Cs

Before you recommend your friend, you must obtain their permission to provide their personal information to us. We will tell your friend that you have recommended them to us, when we contact them

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