National Inclusion Week 2021

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This week, we're celebrating National Inclusion Week, which takes place from the 27th of September to the 3rd of October. Inclusive Employers runs the campaign and have done for the past nine years. This year’s National Inclusion Week theme is ‘unity’. Unity means the state of being one, a whole or totality, as combining all its parts into one.

Who are Inclusive Employers?

Inclusive Employers are the leading membership organisation for employers who are committed to prioritising inclusion and creating inclusive workplaces. They aim to make inclusion an everyday reality for their employees and customers.

What is National Inclusion Week?

National Inclusion Week is a campaign that takes place once a year to celebrate everyday inclusion in all forms. Inclusive Employers aim to unite businesses and organisations to share learnings, best practices, successes and challenges.

How can you get involved?

You can participate in National Inclusion Week by downloading the Inclusive Employers tool kit, which contains guides, social media templates, logos and workshops.

The Inclusive Employers organisation is also running several webinars during the campaign. Below is an overview of the different webinars you can join.

Webinar 1: National Inclusion Week 2021: (NIW) launch and how to diversify your talent pool

In this webinar, Inclusive Employers will be joined by sporting bodies to learn how they have successfully involved diverse communities in their work and what lessons and actions other organisations can learn from.

Webinar 2: National Inclusion Week 2021: Attracting diverse talent from within your community

In this session, Inclusive Employers will explore how to understand the diverse communities local to you; and different ways to engage them with your organisation.

Webinar 3: National Inclusion Week 2021: Building anti-racist cultures

During this webinar, Inclusive Employers will discuss the launch of their anti-racism toolkit. Their toolkit has been created to support organisations to understand their journey towards developing an anti-racist culture and provide them with the tools and plans to bring their work.

How are we supporting the campaign?

To support National Inclusion Week, we will be sharing several photos of people in our business who tell us in their own words what unity means to them.

You can find our National Inclusion Week photos on our social media pages. We have already shared our first one, which you can view on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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